Paddy's i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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7, Kalendegatan, 211 35, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 786 00
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Latitude: 55.6057587, Longitude: 13.0026843

kommentar 5

  • Naresh Mehta

    Naresh Mehta


    Good beer. No good food if you are not into meat

  • Mattias Svensson

    Mattias Svensson


    Nice after work prices, decent food

  • Emma Hejlskov

    Emma Hejlskov


    It's a nice pub - Very good food really. Best part is the atmosphere and the patio in summer or spring. Some days can be VERY crowded and VERY loud. But that's just cause people love this place. ALL AGES. which is cool. Love the music and the Irish theme :) they do have live music too some nights some hours

  • Bengt-Arne Skoog

    Bengt-Arne Skoog


    Nice beer a lot to select from and very tasty. Good service and a cozy place in center of Malmö. The food was exelllent and the service was good. The vegetarian alternatives was good as well. It is worth a visit if you are close to paddy's. Please enjoy the place.

  • en

    Kathrine Spang


    The gin bar does nice gin drinks but they could taste more gin. The restaurant is great if you're a lot of people because the menu is quite big but the food is still really high quality.

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