L'Enoteca i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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6C, Västergatan, 211 21, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 43 81 81
internet side: www.lenoteca.se
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Latitude: 55.6066614, Longitude: 12.9977448

kommentar 5

  • Lucie Niemelä

    Lucie Niemelä


    Vast selection of wines & some nice cheeses to go with it. I recommend going outside of busy hours. Then there's more time for the staff to talk about the wine & give better service. Their food is mostly Mediterranean inspired and quite tasty but not super refined. They have a terrace in the summer, located a little bit further across the street, and even some live music. Cosy and relaxed place!

  • Kicki lestal

    Kicki lestal


    Great wine bar with multiple choices of wine and solid food.

  • en

    Patrick Danckwardt


    Great Winebar with good knowleage and a up beat feeling

  • Eger Ugla

    Eger Ugla


    A small and very cozy wine bar and restaurant. The have an extensive selection on the shelves in the bar, where every wine is available to buy either by glass or bottle, and the bottles are marked with the prices. You don't have to be a wine expert to have a good experience, since the bartenders are skilled and can come up with a good suggestion based on your preferences in taste. Expensive wine will of course be expensive anywhere, but they had a good range in this place, so you don't have to spend a ton if you're just looking for a simple glass. I did not eat here, so I can't comment on the taste of the food, but the charcuterie board looked appetizing, I would like to try that some time. I hope they will find their way to Oslo in the future :)

  • richard clinton

    richard clinton


    Excellent selection of wines and very knowledgeable and friendly staff but expect super Swedish wine prices

nærmeste Bar

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