B.A.R i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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3, Erik Dahlbergsgatan, 211 48, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 17 01 75
internet side: barmalmo.se
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Latitude: 55.5987199, Longitude: 12.9977353

kommentar 5

  • en

    Harry Osborne


    Fantastic service, great food, good value. Can't ask for more than that!!

  • Eva Amtkil

    Eva Amtkil


    Too much fat. We didnt chose our dishes, got 5 dishes chosen by them. I dont know if it was only this time,because i've heard a lot of good things about them,or did i hAve too high expectations? Desset and veggies were delicious though!!! Still worth a try

  • John B

    John B


    I've been here both in small and large groups, and the staff manage both with perfect ease. Not every dish is to my taste, but there has always been something that I've really enjoyed. The wine and beer selection is also superb.

  • Ryan Eriksson

    Ryan Eriksson


    Ambience: Cosy, candle-lit, chilled and still feeling like you just transported in a different world than Malmö. Food and Drinks: Menu changes as the season and it embraces local made ingredients and finishing it off with fantastic flavours despite the 'Bistro' type food; Wine list is admirable do using again on organically made wines supporting small vineyards, they also make good GT Service: Professional, attentive and with good amount of positivity and energy

  • Niklas Sandström

    Niklas Sandström


    The best food you can get in the south of Sweden. Noma flavors in a bistro environment. B.A.R. do not have any twenty course servings. They focus on three or four dishes, combined with perfectly selected natural wines. It is very hard to understand why they are so invisible on the foodie maps. Maybe it is the not so good interior decoration, or perhaps the low prices.

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