Clarion Hotel & Congress Malmö Live i Malmö

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2, Dag Hammarskjölds Torg, 211 18, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 20 75 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6073219, Longitude: 12.9942523

kommentar 5

  • Bernhard Baumgartner

    Bernhard Baumgartner


    Excellent Hotel and Conference Center. Try the Mexican food it's great. The sky bar has a terrific view. The rooms are spacious and gave a modern bathroom.

  • Sandra S

    Sandra S


    Simply superb. Magnificent views, beyond friendly staff, excellent rooms and food. 10/10 would recommend

  • Raphaela Pließnig

    Raphaela Pließnig


    Stayed at the 20th floor and had an amazing view. The rooms are spacey, clean and very stylish. In the bathroom you will find rituals products and i really recommend the restaurant/bar on top (25th floor). The staff everywhere is very nice and helpful. Had a great time there!!

  • Tõnis Roll

    Tõnis Roll


    Its a decent hotel. The bar area is a bit small, more or less in the libby. The breakfast was average. The room was really nice! Comfortable bed, nice internal design but 1 point off for the toilet! It was really high. Hope it's not the same in all rooms.

  • biscaya08



    I stayed on the 13th floor. The view was really good with large windows. Everything was clean and fresh. The bed was extremely comfortable with large pillows. Check-in went well with good service and friendly staff. There's a parking garage under the hotel so it's nice to be able to take the elevator up to the lobby from there.

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