Malmo Live Skybar i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeMalmo Live Skybar



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4, Citadellsvägen, 211 18, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 20 75 02
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.6077528, Longitude: 12.994255

kommentar 5

  • en

    Martin B.


    You can't go outside, and the bartender isn't as good at mixing drinks as he thinks, but the views are exciting enough to last one drink.

  • Michael How

    Michael How


    A nice little cocktail bar with good atmosphere. Try to avoid peak times or arrive early as it can get pretty busy if you want a seat. Love that the prices are reasonable for beer as I'm not much for cocktails. Keep up the good work skybar! It's got an infamous glass walled toilet facing out over Malmo that's well worth a visit.

  • Christina Bentley

    Christina Bentley


    The view was great, the seating wasn't so spectacular but the drinks made up for it 👌

  • Luke Löwenäng

    Luke Löwenäng


    Great food, friendly staff, superb view. Less expensive than expected. Also one of the few places in Malmö that can make a proper Old Fashioned.

  • Lucie Niemelä

    Lucie Niemelä


    One of the best places in Malmö that feels a bit cosmopolitan. The view is great. Not all their cocktails are a success but Carnival is amazing, my all-time favourite :)

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