Escama i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4, Fersens väg, 211 42, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 17 20 20
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.5998954, Longitude: 12.9961597

kommentar 5

  • Johanna Nordström-Fernandez

    Johanna Nordström-Fernandez


    Good ingredients, good pinxtos, good wine, good decor BUT SO OVERPRICED versus what you get in your plate!!! The quantity vs price ratio gets smaller and smaller every time I go there. So much so that I stopped going altogether. Will definitely go back if the portion sizes are upsized or prices downsized.

  • Giorgio Berardi

    Giorgio Berardi


    The food is well-prepared and well-presented, the ambience is pleasant, the music matches the place almost perfectly and the staff is... well, let's say they know how to do their jobs very well. Of course, then, all that comes at a price, but still within decent limits.

  • Sara Dalvig

    Sara Dalvig


    Trendy and fun stuff, but the food choices weren't very exciting

  • en

    Manuel Emilio Outon Alvarez GVF


    Amazing Tapas, excellent service, very cozy tapas bar that brings the best gastronomy of Spain. Will definitely come back and I highly recommend it.

  • en

    Kristoffer Evangelista


    A really cool place to have tapas and beer or wine. Accommodating staff an cooks as well. Food was really good and authentic. I would definitely go back.

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