Vassa Eggen i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeVassa Eggen



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29, Birger Jarlsgatan, 111 45, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 21 61 69
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.337597, Longitude: 18.0696239

kommentar 5

  • Richard Stålnacke Larsson

    Richard Stålnacke Larsson


    Nice environment and really good steak - also plenty of it, didn't have to go home with an empty stomach

  • VeZ PeZ

    VeZ PeZ


    Great service, good food, but waiting 1h 40 min is not ok. Was also told you can't wear shorts initialy, but was then allowed one. To my suprise there were a lot of people wearing shorts, wearing flip-flops and sitting barefot.

  • en

    Alex Vujacic


    Good food, good service, though long wait time and high price for the low amount of food brings the rating down.

  • Jim Rogers

    Jim Rogers


    Excellent service, very attentive and friendly. Well crafted cocktails with good attention to detail. Hand cut steaks were very flavorful. A very good experience

  • Riley Trueman

    Riley Trueman


    The food was excellent and the staff very friendly and knowledgable about the dishes they were serving. With a large table it took quite some time to be served, but otherwise it was a fantastic venue!

nærmeste Natklub

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