Berns i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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8, Näckströmsgatan, 111 47, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 566 322 00
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Latitude: 59.3322889, Longitude: 18.0734164

kommentar 5

  • Bao Pham

    Bao Pham


    Luxurious restaurant with one of the best flank steak I have ever tasted. Staff are professional and friendly. Nice outdoor area as well.

  • Ed Chen

    Ed Chen


    The staff were incredibly nice and upgraded me for my stay. My room was very cozy and well stocked. The area around the hotel is also very convenient and central.

  • Charlie Pinker

    Charlie Pinker


    Enjoyable stay here. Very grand restaurant that is a wonderful place for breakfast, and the food is great. The hotel has a club downstairs so it can be VERY noisy, even heard from your room - be warned.

  • Biljana Temelkova

    Biljana Temelkova


    I went on a concert here. The acoustic of the hall was good but it can be more improved. It's one of those places rare if I must say that you can actually have a drink and watch the concert. It is not a big place, but very cosy and it have some history on his walls. Interesting place, central and easy to find. I guess the hotel and the restaurant are with same quality. Cheers!

  • Benjamin Larson

    Benjamin Larson


    The hip hub of Stockholm offering two night clubs inside and an amazing restaurant that you'd better be properly dressed for. This lovely and lively hotel is worth the trip and the money. With it's central location and for first-rate decor and amazing breakfast, I really can find nothing lacking. It would give any hotel in Boston or NYC a real run for is money, at a fraction of the cost. Look for rooms on the shoulder season there are some killer deal to be had (up to 50% off).

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