Fasching i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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63, Kungsgatan, 111 22, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 20 00 66
internet side: www.fasching.se
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Latitude: 59.3334194, Longitude: 18.0557475

kommentar 5

  • Daniel Louis

    Daniel Louis


    Expensive and the band was really terrible. Out of tune and only just holding it together rhythmically. Paying 18 euros to see amateur bands doesn't feel good.

  • Maria Stålhammar

    Maria Stålhammar


    Live music - isn't that what makes life live? Fasching always present good feeling. And good prices in the bar!

  • shantana shahid

    shantana shahid


    Stockholm's oldest jazz club; still a charming venue that's been refurbished (again) quite recently and books good acts, however sound isn't great and some of the best regular clubs no longer exist. When there's concerts where also food is served, the restaurant takes up all space and little to no space left to dance.

  • Jovan Senichanin

    Jovan Senichanin


    Very good music and nice atmosphere... I recommend!

  • Solène Rose

    Solène Rose


    Nice place in Stockholm, not too expensive. The decoration and the interior design in really nice and you can seat easily is oh don't want to dance. Nice event also.

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