Solidaritet i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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3, Lästmakargatan, 111 44, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 678 10 50
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.3354823, Longitude: 18.0717636

kommentar 5

  • en

    G K


    Girls with support of a doorman from another club can go in at any time. Other people must be on a guest list otherwise they won't get admittance...

  • Tiago nascimento

    Tiago nascimento


    Fantastic 2 floor place where you can go dance or just chill with different music styles. Frendly staff. highly approve this place.

  • Minami Ogawa

    Minami Ogawa


    Pop music style nightclub. Two floors and VIP room. Coat check 50 SEK

  • Nikolas Enas

    Nikolas Enas


    Typical style of nightclub of Stockholm. Two levels. Nice music, although the crowd is usually unbalanced (too many males). The major advantage of it, is that stays open until late (5.00). I have entered when accompanied with Swedish speakers. When tried to enter by myself or other English speakers, was refused. I was formally dressed, polite and not drunk. The "you are intoxicated" or "you are not in the list" are the excuses they use to refuse entry to people. From what I have been told from other expats here, they tend to refuse entry to foreigners or non Swedish speakers. If you are a tourist, better to look for another nightclub of the many of Stockholm.

  • Niek Gramser

    Niek Gramser


    Two totally different floors regarding music and crowd but a cool club!

nærmeste Natklub

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