Scandic Ferrum i Kiruna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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15, Lars Janssonsgatan, 981 31, Kiruna, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 980 39 86 00
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Latitude: 67.8564996, Longitude: 20.2242193

kommentar 5

  • Cpt Jimmsa

    Cpt Jimmsa


    Went here to play some darts and pool with a couple of friends, the setting was comfortable and the staff was really kind.

  • Kenny Watson

    Kenny Watson


    Nice room, and the window opens to let some fresh air in. Well located, just a 5 minutes walk from the bus station. Good view of the iron ore mine!

  • en

    Janet Nicholls


    A great meeting place with friends staff were friendly and the food was good. On the Saturday night we were there the hosted a great band that brought the whole town in. A fantastic night.

  • Steve Watkins

    Steve Watkins


    Poor facilities in the room no tea or coffee making, blown bulbs. The place just looks dirty and run down for the price of £180 per night.

  • Esther Lee

    Esther Lee


    The Scandic Ferrum was conveniently located, a few minutes walking from the bus stop to the train (even with heavy snow!). Right around the corner from the visitor center and tour pickups. Friendly staff, great vibe. The breakfast buffet was excellent.

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