Hotell E10 i Kiruna AB i Kiruna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeHotell E10 i Kiruna AB


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9, Lastvägen, 981 38, Kiruna, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 980 840 00
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Latitude: 67.8463489, Longitude: 20.2573027

kommentar 5

  • en

    Luke Webber


    It's a functional hotel, I wouldn't recommend staying here for your holiday but if you're just traveling through it's adequate. Décor and rooms are a bit dated, the single beds are very narrow and pillows have seen better days, not uncomfortable though. Breakfast and dinner are included, it's okay food. Within walking distance to the centre of Kiruna. I came here on a work trip, I wouldn't stay here for a holiday.

  • en

    David Kumpula


    Breakfast and dinner, perfect for working people

  • Arthur van der lee

    Arthur van der lee


    Very friendly and helpful staff.

  • en

    Jonni Hiltunen


    Great place for a refreshing stop during a road trip.

  • Eric Nöh

    Eric Nöh


    I can totally agree and repeat Lars' comments. Within the last two years nothing has changed. The hotel has a sauna, you are getting an evening meal and breakfast. That's it. Staff is very friendly. The rooms are nothing, no decorating no comfort, no cosy atmosphere: just a storage room with a small TV and some very fluffy beds. It's more a quiet simple motel and more for backpackers or truckers. The rooms are very cleaned and calm. A shopping center is just across the street.

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