Hotel Arctic Eden AB i Kiruna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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18, Föraregatan, 981 34, Kiruna, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 980 611 86
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Latitude: 67.8601137, Longitude: 20.223054

kommentar 5

  • Johan Valkeapää

    Johan Valkeapää


    This review is for the restaurant. Very nice atmospheric setting, there's a pool table for recreation. Had the moose burger for dinner. The game taste doesn't really pair well with the brioche bun. There's lingonberry aioli and pickled red onions for acidity but the burger doesn't come together. The pickled red onions made the bottom bun soggy and the sweet brioche bun is very dominant over all. The complimentary bread basket is probably off the shelf stuff. Poor beer selection. The garlic bread was great

  • Lucifer Tfa

    Lucifer Tfa


    Slow internet, got 8 down and 2 up at best with a lot of latency and jitter. Got a room with queen size bed and no working outlets by the bed. Told reception with no solution.

  • en

    Jonata Puglia


    Clean and nice rooms, amazing restaurant and breakfast.

  • Paul Lucas

    Paul Lucas


    Great hotel. Very friendly staff. City center location. Close to bus and train stations.

  • Yeda Ko

    Yeda Ko


    Rooms and facilities were clean even with ongoing renovation works. Good breakfast spread; I had to leave early and catch a 7am bus so thanks to the staff who quickly prepared boxes to let me pack the breakfast food to go! :)

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