Restaurang Jensens Bøfhus Stockholm Sergelgatan i Stockholm

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SverigeRestaurang Jensens Bøfhus Stockholm Sergelgatan



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1, Sergelgatan, 111 57, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 411 74 18
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Latitude: 59.3330778, Longitude: 18.0637799

kommentar 5

  • Franck R. Gryson

    Franck R. Gryson


    It's great! Fantastic cuts and amazing grilling skills. Even better/cheaper on lunchtime

  • Omar Al-Homsi

    Omar Al-Homsi


    Fantastic beef steak .. I have choosed the whiskey sauce .. it was great ... also the prices was moderate

  • Jonathen Harmon

    Jonathen Harmon


    It took 30 minutes for the food to served which was fine when it got to us it was cold. We wanted to sit upstairs but we were told to sit downstairs where there is a door guy invites everyone to come in and the cold air to fill up the downstairs it's very cold down there and uncomfortable. When we told the waiter that our steak was cold and our french fries were soggy and cold he seemed uninterested I even pointed out that the sauce had congealed on top. He still had no interest so we just got up and left. Lesson is don't ever eat downstairs at Jensen's yes they have good food but that waiter obviously is a fluke and the downstairs is horrible!

  • en



    I've been there 3-4 times in the last weeks. Prices are good for lunch but the quality of the meat is poor, texture of pork meat is strange and beef was a bit hard. Better order baked potato than fries... overall, worth a visit if one wants a cheap steak.

  • Yatin Sethi

    Yatin Sethi


    Nice and cozy place for dinner. Delicious steak and sides. Do try out their Peppar sauce, Favourite sauce among other varieties. Good service.

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