Günters i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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66, Karlbergsvägen, 113 35, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 31 17 71
internet side: www.facebook.com
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Latitude: 59.3424165, Longitude: 18.032404

kommentar 5

  • Erik Forsberg

    Erik Forsberg


    "New" owner definitely owns the famous culture set out by Günther! Best sausages in Stockholm.

  • Max Xie

    Max Xie


    I love this place, I eat here everyday, and since there are so many different variants it feels like it never gets old. Genius concept, brilliant food, love it.

  • en

    Hasse Kapp


    The best. Unique. Bespoke. One of very few redtaurants in the world with a perfect concept. You cannot improve perfection. Best sausages on the planet. Sauerkraut from heaven. Salty cucumbers from Åland Islands. Their own amazing hojhoj Sauce. Simply perfect.

  • Nacho Fernández

    Nacho Fernández


    A very simple kiosk that offers sausages. They are delicious, and very very cheap. A great option for a quick eat on the way somewhere

  • Jacopo Centofanti

    Jacopo Centofanti


    I was never expecting such a high-level service from a hot dog kiosk. We get in line and we're struggling with picking: it only serves hot dogs, but it has SO MANY choices and sausages from all around the world. I picked a double 42 cm hungarian sausage sandwich, while my friend picked a double turkish one. Meat was on point, bread (baguette-like) was hot and crunchy and sauces were so good. Line might be a bit long, but he was working on his own to service almost 20 people at the same time. Would totally recommend, and I'll surely come back

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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