Pizza Hut i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigePizza Hut



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56, Klarabergsgatan, 111 21, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 24 54 44
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Latitude: 59.3318178, Longitude: 18.05941

kommentar 5

  • Behl Family

    Behl Family


    Very nice choice of pizzas and drinks. A bit overpriced but worth it in the end. I would definitely recommend pizza hut. Plus the waiters are really nice and neat.

  • Matthieu Cirier

    Matthieu Cirier


    The waiter is nice, so is the pizza. Great place closer to a restaurant than a fast food. I enjoyed it !

  • en



    Pizza hut in Sweden is very different from America. This is a restaurant, not a crappy take away place. I went here two years ago and came back yesterday. The quality was still top notch

  • Deepak Sharma

    Deepak Sharma


    Finally I got pizza which we use to have in India. Pizza is good. I would recommend for pizza lovers who want to have Indian style pizza which isn't common in normal pizza shops in Stockholm.

  • en

    Erik Engström


    The pizzas were good but but very tasty. The staff was friendly but nothing out of the ordinary. The free "unlimited" soda was more carbonated water than soda which made it more appealing just to get a glass of water than carbonated water with a hint of coca cola. I would not recommend this restaurant.

nærmeste Måltid takeaway

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