Spy Bar i Stockholm

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SverigeSpy Bar



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20, Birger Jarlsgatan, 114 34, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 545 076 00
internet side: stureplansgruppen.se
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Latitude: 59.3365189, Longitude: 18.0721469

kommentar 5

  • en

    Paulo Mtz


    Went there with a Swedish guy, obviously if you want to enter at 2:00 am you won’t, unless you know someone from the inside, you have to arrive early like 12:00. You can’t arrive drunk and you need to be good dressed “no jerseys” shorts etc, but all that is worthy want of the best party of my life. Swedish people were very kind to me and taked care of me when someone pushed me because of the music. I was a little drunk inside and people I didn’t knew just were saying to me enjoy the party come to dance. Everyone it’s open people.

  • Felipe Magalhães Bonel

    Felipe Magalhães Bonel


    Apparently Swedish people don't like mixing themselves with anybody else at night. Prejudice, racism, rudeness, all together in one place. I wasn't allowed inside because "I did not look like people from this country". In Brazil, this is the case for putting these people in jail!

  • en

    Christoffer Trebler


    One of the famous "guest list" bars in sture. Avoid if possible!

  • Fatih Baltas

    Fatih Baltas


    Brace yourself for discrimination and ruining your night, if you can't speak Swedish! Scandinavian countries are proud of their tolerance but it doesn't apply in the night of life Stockholm! The rude bouncers ask if you are in the `nonexistent` guest list but others can enter freely. I appreciate the honesty of Swedish girl when we asked if they didn't want any tourists in here. She replied: `In fact, we don't want anyone in here`. So you can pretty much understand how your night will go!

  • Erdem Ersoz

    Erdem Ersoz


    One of those “guest list” clubs which is very common in Stockholm nightlife. The truth is you aren’t wanted as a tourist regardless of your gender, race or dress code if you aren’t speaking Swedish or with Swedish friends. I’d rather suggest the places that don’t tell this racist guest lists story if you think that you deserve better than waiting so long in the queue just to get rejected. But things are different if you are with locals, magically you are allowed anywhere you were rejected before even if nobody is on the guest list!

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