Sense Stockholm i Stockholm

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SverigeSense Stockholm



🕗 åbningstider

9, Sveavägen, 111 57, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 506 783 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.3338648, Longitude: 18.0640571

kommentar 5

  • Maria Lundberg

    Maria Lundberg


    One of the best "senses" I have experienced. Thanks to some incredible people the club have made Sveavägen 9 a place to be. Awesome bartenders with amazing Djs playing The best music of The day. This place is worth a visit.

  • cheche Leon

    cheche Leon


    My friend and I got there at around 3 am and we "weren't on the list" even tho we actually got a mail saying that we were standing on the guest list. We went out of te queue to look for the mail and when we showed the guard again he said everyone gets a mail like this but they don't get on the list for that, which I thought was completely stupid and rude since they make people believe they're going being in the guest list and when they get there, they're not, how ridiculous isn't that. After a while they changed the guard and we tried to get in once again, the other guard came to him and said something about us and left. Standing on the queue we met some guys that told us to give it another shot, so we did, when we got to talk to the other guard he told us that "they" didn't like us, he didn't tell us WHY "they didn't like us" and all the time while he was talking to this guys that we started talking to he completely ignored us and was being extremely rude. Right after we left a huge group of girls and guys got to come in to the nightclub. This nightclub has such disrespectful guards and a ridiculous way of tricking people with this mail saying you get in the guest list. I felt completely humiliated and have probably never felt treated worse in a nightclub. would give it -3 stars.

  • en



    Really good nightclub in the middle of Stockholm city!

  • en

    Brynn Cree


    Got a very good birthday

  • en

    Brion Keys


    Me and my friends were at the club and we all enjoyed the party.

nærmeste Natklub

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