Público i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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2, Rödbodtorget, 111 52, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 505 244 14
internet side: www.publico.se
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Latitude: 59.3288005, Longitude: 18.0642326

kommentar 5

  • en

    Toby Smith


    Cool, loungey atmosphere. All of the meats we tried were great. Some interesting, innovative taco options. The service was somewhat leisurely, though in fairness we had a large party. And the lowlight of the meal was the desserts. The grilled pineapple in particular was so rum-soaked that it drowned out the rest of the dish. And I love rum. :)

  • Michael Lueck

    Michael Lueck


    Poor service, average food, the pineapple dessert should be avoideda

  • Torbjörn Svanteson

    Torbjörn Svanteson


    For all of you who have visited Publico throughout the years: Publico have changed direction and owners in the past month. Just for you to understand: the main course in the tasting menu was chorizo, some random sausage and pork. It's like the "meat platter" at O'Leary's or Jensen's Bøfhus but at a 650kr price tag. When I asked the staff if they had changed their direction the reply was: "Yes, now it's more Rock N Roll". The second course (after the starters) was cold tacos. I asked the waiter if they were supposed to be cold. The reply was: "They're supposed to be luke warm, like you have them at home. The next course is warm, I promise". The next course was the chorizos mentioned above. So, if you've visited Publico before and think about going again, don't! If you haven't visit Publico before and thinking about it, don't. Go to O'Leary's or Jensens Bøfhus or Bierhaus at Tegnergatan to get your sausages at a decent price.

  • José Cartro

    José Cartro


    It's a very cool place. I get the feeling of "more is more" in the style. A lot of things are huge in the large room. From lamps to drapes and windows. Then we have the sofas and smaller lamps and tables and chairs. They have all a lot of detail but not in a overly flashy way. It just works with the mood and light together to make it a very cozy place. Being less flashy yet stylish like it feels, makes you think it's fancy. The prices are not as high as i expected though. The food ranges from I would say many areas of latinoamerika. It tastes awesome but when I got the question about traditionalism on some of it I had to say this was a bit more westernized or reimagined. But it did play very well with the vibe and style of the place. It was in total a very good experience. Minor things they missed was they run out of things to make the ginger lemonade that we wanted so we only got one, but they fixed us up a non-alcoholic mojito type replacement instead. The meat was a bit overly salty even for the type of dish (im guessing carne asada) they where doing but overall it was great. I had expected the choice for a strong chimichurri but I don't know if that is the restaurants idea. Or maybe we missed some of it from the menu. I believe if you want something really traditional you want to go else where but I can not be sure since I did not try all their dishes yet. It also seems to have a nice bar but maybe I will explore that further next time.

  • Hanna Kravchenko

    Hanna Kravchenko


    Very good! Nice waiters, great food and interior 👍

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