Radisson Blu Hotel, Malmö i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeRadisson Blu Hotel, Malmö



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10, Östergatan, 211 25, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 698 40 00
internet side: www.radissonblu.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.6073418, Longitude: 13.0077669

kommentar 5

  • en

    Björn Eriksson


    An okay hotel at a good location, close to both the train station and city center. The rooms are quite alright with nice beds and standard amenities. Service was good with pleasant and helpful staff. The included breakfast was serviceable but nothing special.

  • Akshay Anbalagan

    Akshay Anbalagan


    Very good hotel. Polite & professional staff. Good food and ambiance.

  • en

    Lord Thomas Atkinson


    This was fine for the price I paid. Breakfast was very good. Room a bit oddly furnished and could use a spot of paint. Good water pressure in the shower.

  • Alun Jones

    Alun Jones


    The room was lovely and the breakfast was delicious but what made the stay was a lovely kosavan concierge called Kai. He should be promoted and given a big raise, he was professional, friendly and ready to help!

  • Nicolas Brochu

    Nicolas Brochu


    Rooms are very big and come with a desk and TV. Breakfast were included with the room and are very good. There is also a gym that can be used for free. The neighborhood is quiet and it's easy to sleep at night. The location is nice to walk around and it is very close to Malmö central station. It's a very nice place.

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