Clarion Collection Hotel Temperance i Malmö

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16, Engelbrektsgatan, 211 33, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 710 20
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.604004, Longitude: 12.9982931

kommentar 5

  • M R Lee

    M R Lee


    Small bathrooms and rooms. A double bed but a single blanket. When asked for a larger one I was asked why considering I am just one person. Room was cold. Breakfast and Dinner were included though. Shuttle to the office was not a shuttle but a taxi and this was not clear when asking about it. Had to pay for a taxi in the end due to missing it. Not impressed overall.

  • Tina Stavros

    Tina Stavros


    The customer service was terrible. They feel no need to accommodate customers' needs and declared that the customer was wrong. They wanted to make my coworker switch rooms after she had been settled in for hours and in bed rather than provide extra linens. It was a terrible check in experience - one of the worst I've ever had. The rooms are tiny and the shower is continuous with the rest of the bathroom. Breakfast was fantastic though!!! One of the best I've had and definitely redeeming, the only reason I gave 3 stars.

  • John Valliant Lauritzen

    John Valliant Lauritzen


    The all important morning and dinner buffets are excellent and the staff is very friendly. It's clean and quiet. Unfortunately, like so many other hotels in this price range, the pillows are uncomfortably large and stiff and the duvets too cold for winter use (unless one doesn't mind turning on the radiator in stead of sleeping in fresh and cool outside air).

  • en

    Stellios Manthos


    Located in the city centre and very closely situated to shopping and dining. Very good restaurant that serves high quality food and with a breakfast that has most you could wish for. Excellent staff that are very helpful.

  • en

    Charl Malan


    Cool & cozy hotel. In city center close to restaurants cafes bars shops sightseeing walks etc. Comfortable rooms with great beds. Good night's rest guaranteed. Free generous & great breakfast with free dinner too. Friendly helpful staff. A must when visiting Malmö.

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