Museum of Medieval Stockholm i Stockholm

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SverigeMuseum of Medieval Stockholm



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3, Strömparrterren, 111 30, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 508 317 90
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Latitude: 59.3282928, Longitude: 18.070308

kommentar 5

  • en

    C Mott


    A fairly small museum with brilliant displays that will entertain kids and adults. Texts are in Swedish and English.

  • Rob Davis

    Rob Davis


    Brilliant little free museum. This place gives a really amazing look into the middle ages in Stockholm. There's some great exhibits and quite a few artefacts from excavations in the area. Well worth a look if you've got a hour or so free in Stockholm.

  • Javier Rosas

    Javier Rosas


    If you, like me, love museums in which you can have a close look at how would it feel if living in another time, you won't regret this one. Best part, it's free.

  • en

    Francesco D`angiolillo


    Nice museum where to learn the history of Stockholm. Not really big and a bit crowdy as there's no charge at the entry. I'll suggest to get the audio guide, pretty cheap and really useful!

  • Ivelina Mechkarova

    Ivelina Mechkarova


    The collection was modest, but masterfully placed. It is a lot of fun to visit with kids and there is a free tour in English around noon. Also, the ticket is free of charge, so really no reason to skip it! The garden outside of the entrance is a perfect picnic place on a sunny summer day!

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