The Hallwyl Museum i Stockholm

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SverigeThe Hallwyl Museum



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4, Hamngatan, 111 47, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 402 30 99
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Latitude: 59.3331408, Longitude: 18.0745424

kommentar 5

  • Henric Zethelius

    Henric Zethelius


    Nice museum as well as a lovely restaurant and bar during the summer. The courtyard is beautifully decorated and the DJ.s are good.

  • Thomas Rindfuss

    Thomas Rindfuss


    I found this museum (free access to most of it) better than Stockholm palace. It is an old preserved home with a lot of interesting collections and art. In addition to paintings and china you will find collections of old pistols, swords, knives, armor and more.

  • Nadine Schweizer

    Nadine Schweizer


    Very interesting and definitely different! The museum shows an original turn of century home that had been gradually turned into a museum by its owner already during her lifetime. I recommend taking the tour, because it will be harder to appreciate the beauty of this sometimes a bit random collection of objects if you don't hear the life story of Mrs. Hallwyl as well. Also, access to the other floors than the presentation floor is only granted with the tour. Thus, going by yourself you'll miss out on e.g. the servant quarters, kitchen and 1800s elevators.

  • Esa Toivonen

    Esa Toivonen


    Used to be an apartment, so the museum is a bit labyrinthine. A good example of an upper class apartment from the turn of 20th century, with a smoking room, billiard room (with built in seats and cabins for cues and exclusively designed billiard table and light). Great collection of porcelain from different towns in Europe. Free admission to the apartment and reasonably priced tickets to special exhibitions (currently "women and dresses in the movies of Bergman").

  • Rebecca Lagerkvist

    Rebecca Lagerkvist


    Incredible place! You can see a lot of it for free. Tells the story about Stockholm bourgeoisie at the turn of the century. If you are in the central Stockholm make sure to make this cultural visit. The shop is a great place for souvenir shopping. There's also a little playroom for kids. Easy to miss inside of the cloak room

nærmeste Museum

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