Hotel Rival i Stockholm

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3, Mariatorget, 118 91, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 545 789 00
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Latitude: 59.318194, Longitude: 18.063738

kommentar 5

  • en

    Andrew Garven


    Awesome place to stay. Really great Jazz Club type vibe. Wonderful rooms with fantastic showers and baths. The buffet breakfast really tops it off well. We tried a wide variety and kept being amazed at how good it was - the sour dough was a particular highlight!

  • Patrik Ekenberg

    Patrik Ekenberg


    Didn't stay at the hotel but ate breakfast there. It was wonderful! While it is pricey, 225 kronor, it is worth it. Great selection at the buffet with the possibility of ordering special dishes at no additional cost. Wonderful view from the balcony in summertime.

  • Pär Karlsson

    Pär Karlsson


    Great cocktails in an elegant environment. Cafe Rival next door has a great breakfast menu with a French flair (croissants and cafe au lait anyone?). It's got class, yet still down to earth. Oh, and there's a theatre too!

  • en

    Susan Cooper


    In a great location close to Old Town and other sights. Opposite a pretty square/park. Large bar and bistro popular place to be. Super breakfast with range of hot and cold choices. Staff very helpful. Standard room very clean and comfortable with everything you need. Highly recommended.

  • Joacim Winqvist

    Joacim Winqvist


    Nice rooms with a personal touch and the pillow buffet selection is nice. Really good breakfast. Friendly and service minded staff.

nærmeste Cafe

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