Bagdad Café i Stockholm

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SverigeBagdad Café



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2, Fredsgatan, 111 52, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 121 471 17
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Latitude: 59.3294356, Longitude: 18.0674753

kommentar 5

  • Jesi Mac Leod

    Jesi Mac Leod


    We loved this cafe inside a museum

  • Serwan



    A very calm and cosy cafe in central Stockholm with a fantastic decoration. The service is good and their cheese cake is excellent! You can also treat yourself a complementary tour of Medelhavsmuseet museum!

  • Adam Velebil

    Adam Velebil


    The most stylish cafe in heart of Stockholm. Part of the Medelhavsmuseet. Excellent oriental cakes and foreign beers. Usually very calm. Very nice staff and views of The Royal Opera House.

  • Rebecca Lagerkvist

    Rebecca Lagerkvist


    If you are in the very central of Stockholm - make the slight detour to have lunch or coffee at this place. The setting is fantastic. There is a lot of space so you can almost always find a table. The food is good - not amazing - but a little pricey. The lunches on the week days are the most price worthy. While you are there - make a tour in the museum as well. It's free.

  • Pierre Lindgren

    Pierre Lindgren


    Very cozy place, the decor is astounding. Vases, statuettes and other relics are place in between the tables, so you feel like you're dining inside the musuem itself!

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