Holiday Club Spahotels AB i Åre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Åre Strand, 837 52 Åre, Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 647 120 00
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Latitude: 63.3984053, Longitude: 13.0747882

kommentar 5

  • Gavin Westwood

    Gavin Westwood


    Visited the pool, which is a kind of water park. There area number of different pools, with one for babies/toddlers and another for children. There is a lap pool and then a large main one which twists and turns with islands and water jets. There is also an outside pool,which was great fun with the snow surrounding it. There is also a large water slide that is s enclosed and situated outside, but accessed from inside and returns you inside. You can hire towels. On paying your entry fee, you get a rubber wristband, that opens the turnstile to let you in.It is surrendered when you leave. The changing rooms are large and there are separate showers for male/female.

  • Fitsum Aberra

    Fitsum Aberra


    What I like most: - friendly and serviceminded staff - cosy - everything in one place What I like least - pricey - some things are seasonal

  • Peter Ytterström

    Peter Ytterström


    Great rooms. Spa and Gym is very nice with a great view mostly. Great conference rooms. The service was good. Got a pretty bad snowboard when I rented but it was off season so maybe they dug out their cheap old boards. Great breakfast and dinner.

  • en

    Calle Alexandersson


    Very modern and comfortable ski resort hotel with great spa. Great food and sports bar. Loads of activities and rather close to the lifts.

  • en

    J Currington


    The hotel is located in àre Sweden. First of, great location with easy bus links to the mountains. The hotel reception are was spacious with the restaurant and bar area just to the left. Staff very welcoming and friendly. The rooms looked a bit dated, but saying that, very clean and comfortable. The food was very very good, but surprised that as we were half board there was no actual choice of what you ate. (not to much of a bad point, as we tried many things we just wouldn't have) Back to the mountains. Great for novices and seasoned skiers alike. Must be good, as they hold the world championships there.

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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