Filmstaden i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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22, Storgatan, 211 42, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 562 600 00
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Latitude: 55.5997672, Longitude: 13.00027

kommentar 5

  • Steffy MJ

    Steffy MJ


    I watched Avangers here in 3D and it was awesome! Thanks for the good time and great popocorns!

  • Eli Tepp-a

    Eli Tepp-a


    I enjoy coming here every time. The snack selection is great and the cinema halls are not oversized like in other cities.the surrounding area is nice for taking a walk after all the sitting. Only "downside" is that you have to walk through the whole snack department even if you don't want anything. The cash registers are a bit unorganized when it's crowded, but that only really happens during prime times.h

  • en



    Comfy premium seats with more space for the legs and when people need to pass, nice 3d glasses that fit nicely on top of my regular glasses. Newly renovated, and I find the new structure to be very nice (only a little confusing to walk passed the cashier to then go to the chech-in, so I was standing in line for nothing.. But there was only one person ahead so I don't mind)

  • Hjalmar Söderberg

    Hjalmar Söderberg


    The biggest cinema in Malmö. A large variety of movies are shown here. They offer a lot of snacks and drinks as well. If you want to watch a good movie on the big screen at a good time then this should be your choice.

  • Maria K

    Maria K


    Centrally located cinema in Malmö. Good for viewing most of the popularly released titles and paid parking is available nearby. Seating options are usually not overbooked and the times are fair. The shop area is well thought-out and it's easy to find what you are looking for. There's a variety of popcorn flavours available in case classic butter isn't your thing. 😉 Snacks and drinks are at good prices, not as expensive as you would think. The ticket machines usually work, although sometimes they can stall which can be frustrating. Bathrooms are available in the hallway and it's generally easy to navigate. The way out at the end of the film leads you outside, so be prepared to put something warm on in case you're watching during the winter or later at night. Overall, a nice experience and I will recommend. Just don't expect massive screens as it's still a fairly small cinema but it's good for what it promises.

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