Biograf Royal i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4, Södra Tullgatan, 211 42, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 562 600 00
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Latitude: 55.601542, Longitude: 13.0009812

kommentar 5

  • Rickard Andersson

    Rickard Andersson


    Simply one of the best cinemas in northern Europe. The "plus" seats placed just far enough from the screen are especially great. Normally there is a guy at front, just before the movie starts, that instructs you to throw your rubbish in the bin and tells lame jokes. Today he was nowhere to be seen, five stars.

  • Brain in a jar

    Brain in a jar


    Seats were very comfortable and had enough leg room for an average sized person. Surrounding area was relatively clean, the snacks were a bit on the expensive side but drink prices were very fair.

  • Ulfat Azimi

    Ulfat Azimi


    Very good screen but in my opinion the middle seats are the best ones. Other seats are good too and everything is good about it.

  • Edwin Loren

    Edwin Loren


    Great sound and picture, forgot to turn off the light in time but if got fixed about 4m in and was no problem afterwards.

  • Niaz Haq

    Niaz Haq


    Biggest film theatre in the city and it also has the largest screen and best sound system in Malmö. Seats are comfortable and height between rows are good enough. Very friendly staffs and very clean environment.

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