Filmstaden Sergel i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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3, Hötorget, 111 57, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 562 600 00
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Latitude: 59.3344906, Longitude: 18.0625307

kommentar 5

  • en

    Jonas BA


    More of a modern cinema. Not like Rigoletto or Skandia-teatern that have this nice classic vibe. But its good though they have many movies going.

  • Joseph Stameus

    Joseph Stameus


    Spacious, grand and well kept. Easy to find your way around, and the staff is always pleasant and helpful. A good movie-going experience every time I've visited.

  • Manyara Wanguhu

    Manyara Wanguhu


    Really nice cinema and movie experience. Although the cinema is quite small as long as you book your tickets online in advance you shouldn't have a problem getting good seats. However for tickets to Star Wars in 3D including the glasses ended up costing 150kr per person. Snacks are also pretty expensive.

  • Agnes Nyambura

    Agnes Nyambura


    It's a pretty big cinema with plenty of cinema halls with various movies to choose from. Buying tickets is easy at the self help machines. But just a note the machines don't accept international cards. You will have to go to the desk if you have an international card The cinema hall was not as big but seats were good and comfortable. Generally it's a great cinema

  • Michael A. Brown

    Michael A. Brown


    Best movie theater in Stockholm. Has plenty of screens and convenient concession stand with plenty of lanes to move through quickly. The kiosks on the ground floor make purchasing tickets convenient and fast, then upstairs for the popcorn and soda before heading into one of the many well kept screening rooms. Stadium seating allows good visibility from any spot in the room.

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