Biograf Rigoletto i Stockholm

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SverigeBiograf Rigoletto


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16, Kungsgatan, 111 35, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 562 600 00
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Latitude: 59.3361082, Longitude: 18.0683007

kommentar 5

  • Max Brandhorst-Satzkorn

    Max Brandhorst-Satzkorn


    Stockholms finest Cinema-experience, located in the center of Stockholm. The sound is great, the screen is as good as it gets without HDR-laser/IMAX-projectors. Strongly recommended if you're going to the cinema in Stockholm!

  • Johan Welin

    Johan Welin


    This is the best cinema i downtown Stockholm. It is located as centrally as possibly with excellent services available. Audio and video are of course top-notch. Go there for a movie you're wanna watch. I recommend the VIP extra if you want some more quite time and nice drinks.

  • en

    Robert Olofsson


    Nice and modern. The main theater has nice chairs and good sound as well as a pretty big screen.

  • Anthony McCabe

    Anthony McCabe


    Great movie screen and a theater atmosphere! ViP balcony is a bit far from the screen but has a luxurious feel and only costs 30 SEK more. Recommended!

  • en

    Jonas BA


    I have seen a few movies here. I actually like the design. It looks good, classic and just gives a better vibe than many other cinemas

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