Army Museum i Stockholm

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SverigeArmy Museum



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13, Riddargatan, 114 51, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 519 563 00
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Latitude: 59.334815, Longitude: 18.0803653

kommentar 5

  • Paul Dawg

    Paul Dawg


    The Swedish army museum is a great place to discover bits of the beautiful Swedish History and learn about the human story in general as well. It's a journey that will take you from the primitive man, to the Dark Ages and the World Wars. Great exhibitions through out the whole museum and a beautiful building that stores the History of the Nation. A must visit for any tourist, it's free admission so there are no excuses.

  • Rainer Svencis

    Rainer Svencis


    Absolutely amazing, exceed all my expectations, and it's for free. If you happen to be in Stockholm and you got a lot of spare time then, I strongly advise you to visit this museum because it's something very special and rare for it's kind.

  • Martin R. L.

    Martin R. L.


    Great museum! Has a very practical flow between the time periods and shows a lot of swedish military history in an interesting manner.

  • Lucian Avadani

    Lucian Avadani


    Great display from Sweden's tumultous distant past (over 200 years with no wars) and one of the few free attractions in Stockholm. Recommended if you are into history!

  • Kasper Nielsen

    Kasper Nielsen


    Free admission and great experience. Nice flow from the Early years to late years. Worth spending an hour or more going through, depending on how much storytelling you want. Also like the idea, that they take modern things and showcase Them, before they go into the history books - so to speak. Great idea.

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