First Camp Umeå i Umeå

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeFirst Camp Umeå



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2, Nydalasjön, 906 52, Umeå, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 90 70 26 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 63.8434356, Longitude: 20.3447449

kommentar 5

  • Bos Kabouter

    Bos Kabouter


    Great camping,friendly staff,clean and affordable.

  • en

    Aga V


    Nice location and very comfortable cottage. Would recommend and come back.

  • Mike Heath

    Mike Heath


    Good camp site with good system for controlling payment for showers. Restaurant and shop on site. Huts have seen better days but still okay. Door might not close properly but can still be locked.

  • en

    David Dull


    Cabins are very nice. Enough room for 2 & bath and kitchen are the right size. Campgrounds are well setup for families. Playgrounds are well situated. Can highly recommend.

  • Petter Senften

    Petter Senften


    Rented a small cabin here. Cabin was cozy enough. Beds were hard. It's nice having a fully equipped cabin so if need be, you could cook your own food. Neat labels and excellent instructions. Serviceminded staff. A bit pricey but it's cheaper than a hotel and you won't get gouged financially when you want to park your car next to the cabin. Wildly confusing outlet in the bathroom though.

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