Biograf Spegeln Uppsala i Uppsala

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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12, Västra Ågatan, 753 09, Uppsala, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 562 600 00
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Latitude: 59.8575675, Longitude: 17.6373918

kommentar 5

  • Pasi



    Nice movie theatre with quite a few different rooms, most are quite small så a high cozy factor.

  • isaak vié

    isaak vié


    Went to see avengers and there was a bunch of kids making a racket at the front. Staff came to confront them... When the film was over. My party had trouble enjoying the film w screaming children in the theatre.

  • Hiwa KOYI

    Hiwa KOYI


    It is very fresh in summer but bit cold at winter . It is quite big and really enjoyed watching movies on the huge screen. Probably better to sitting near the Back raw. however expensive snacks and small portions ... Typically Swedish.

  • JoEllen Nordstrom

    JoEllen Nordstrom


    Fun day with the kids. When we spillt the candy, they replaced it with a smile. THANKS!

  • Carl Niclas

    Carl Niclas


    This is the premium cinema complex in Uppsala, and it offers pretty much what you would expect from one included overpriced popcorn and sodas and a handful of tiny screens along with a few impressive ones with excellent sound. The best cinema experience from a technical point of view is the nearby "Spegeln", so check your listings.

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