Wokhouse i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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26, Regeringsgatan, 111 53, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 20 21 34
internet side: www.wokhouse.net
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Latitude: 59.3314011, Longitude: 18.0684671

kommentar 5

  • Odd Lyssarides

    Odd Lyssarides


    Ok lunch for an ok price. All dishes can be made vegetarian

  • en

    andres otarola


    Good Food. awesome music. Really nice monday hang. Gave me free noodles aswell. Very polite bartenders!

  • Sara Greco

    Sara Greco


    While the shops and streets around Centralen were extremely crowded, it was quiet and peaceful on a weekend afternoon at Wokhouse. Perhaps it is the construction that has the road limited to foot traffic? Regardless, lunch is a great opportunity for some delicious Thai food. Very large portions; enough for sharing between two adults! Not sure about the rest of the "spicy" dishes but the Hell Beef was closer to medium spicy. Plenty of veggies (and a dinner roll on the side). With cider, the bill was 155 kr. Very friendly waiters, too.

  • Lubomir Kotzev

    Lubomir Kotzev


    Good place for cheap brew. Awesome staff and atmosphere.

  • Mark Hosmar

    Mark Hosmar


    Nice atmosphere and tasty food for a reasonable price. Staff was very friendly! We had Dinner here on Saturday and at 9 o‘clock they turned the place into a Club. We stayed for drinks and had fun :)

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