V.E.S.P.A i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Kanalgatan 3, 211 40 Malmö, Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 12 71 47
internet side: www.vespa.nu
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Latitude: 55.6019136, Longitude: 13.0017495

kommentar 5

  • Madź Kowalczyk

    Madź Kowalczyk


    Great food, wonderful atmosphere, nice cute waitress:)

  • en



    We got a table pretty quickly, but we didn't get to order for a long time, a few people who sat there before us hadn't ordered either so we left. I'm guessing they were understaffed but still it wasn't a pleasant experience to always be watched but never attended to (easy to just let us know that they at least acknowledged us and we're on their way, but there were no communication at all)

  • Bertrand Riché

    Bertrand Riché


    Pizzas are good, although the crust is a bit dry/hard. A slight different oven cooking would make them even better!

  • en

    David Rannaleet


    Really nice Italian food, and the fact that you usually get complimentary ice cream is really superb. If anything then I would say that the seating is alright, but the focus is definitely on take away.

  • Jacob Gradén

    Jacob Gradén


    Most over-hyped pizza place I've visited. The ham, especially, tastes like.... dead swine; and prices are decidedly on the high side. Their pasta is better though.

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