Texas Longhorn Kanalgatan i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeTexas Longhorn Kanalgatan



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5, Kanalgatan, 211 40, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 18 21 40
internet side: www.texaslonghorn.se
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 55.601555, Longitude: 13.0018419

kommentar 5

  • SikoSoft



    Many years ago, these burgers were amazing. With all the other new diner style burgers in Malmö today, they are now basically just mediocre. The coleslaw is excellent, although inconsistent at times and the portion size is lousy. Still worth checking out!

  • Pawel Warnenski

    Pawel Warnenski


    Shame about no lunch menu. Still a good burger with very nice chips.

  • Siarhei Pilat

    Siarhei Pilat


    Quite good, visiting this place every other month. Try their "dirty fries" if you like jalapeños and cheddar.

  • sebastian fritz

    sebastian fritz


    Fantastic food in a very nice Wild West environment. Super friendly and attentive staff. Made a hungry guy to a happy guy. Thank you Team Texas Longhorn

  • Mona Morssy

    Mona Morssy


    The staff is excellent, they understand the needs of how people feel on new year’s day. I have never felt more taken care of. If you don’t tip, you just don’t know kindness when you see it.

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