Star Bowling i Göteborg

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeStar Bowling



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8, Odinsgatan, 411 03, Göteborg, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 31 15 52 50
internet side:
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Latitude: 57.709016, Longitude: 11.979921

kommentar 5

  • en

    Daryl Wilson-Hemingway


    Good food and amazing lunchtime bowling offer with lunch included

  • Cathrine Sundström Zimonyi

    Cathrine Sundström Zimonyi


    Very friendly staff, modern place with fresh toilets, a lot of aisles for bowling and lots of seating for eating. An American feel to the place. They also have disco lights to give the bowling aisles more of a party feeling. They have a wardrobe with surveillance. Located close to the Central station by foot. Kid friendly and adult friendly depending on what time of day you go there.

  • Michael Barnett

    Michael Barnett


    Nice bowling alley with fun games area upstairs. Expect to pay high end prices on drinks.

  • Mukha Heidari

    Mukha Heidari


    It's a fun place for after work activities, interesting games can be planned for team buildings and there is nice foods and drink to order from

  • en

    Keerthivash Chellamalai


    This place has a lot of fun activities other than bowling.Liked the video car racing and virtual shooting in the second floor!

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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