Scandic Karlstad City i Karlstad

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4, Drottninggatan, 652 24, Karlstad, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 54 770 55 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.379351, Longitude: 13.505609

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bob Spradlin


    Rooms and dinning facilities were clean and professionally maintained. Food was a buffet that was unbelievable. Gets five stars from me.

  • en

    Tristan Chiang


    Was there for a 1 night stay. Room is clean, hotel breakfast taste great. But the dinner wasn't fantastic maybe because I am on a group tour and the food for group tour arent exclusive.

  • Astrid Armstrong

    Astrid Armstrong


    Very accommodating when I was left stranded. Sorted me with a very comfortable room at a reasonable price. Breakfast was included & excellent value for money. Lovely hotel, friendly & helpful staff. Very clean & comfortable room. Slept extremely well as the bed gave me a big hug & I didn't want to get up.

  • Alessandro Rescaldani

    Alessandro Rescaldani


    A good hotel in Karlstad. I tried better beds before, but service is overall good

  • en

    Michael Graham


    Good location, very close to the city center. No problems with the bed. Room had some level of temperature control. Bathroom was good, with two half doors that close together to seal off the shower. Elevators were a bit strange and maybe slow but there were three of them so not a big deal. I didn't partake in any food at the hotel so I can't comment on it. Front desk was nice and tried to help with a booking mistake I made.

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