Sakanaya i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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4A, Smedjegatan, 214 21, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 96 51 00
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Latitude: 55.5916737, Longitude: 13.0061611

kommentar 5

  • Viggo Wedborn

    Viggo Wedborn


    Great experience. Fantastic food and nice people

  • Angel Monera Martinez

    Angel Monera Martinez


    Excellent food and service, however is not the best place for going with small children... Food is a little bit complex and requires some taste to be appreciate :)

  • Jacob Gradén

    Jacob Gradén


    Seemed authentic Japanese, in other words slightly weird to Western palates :-) . Good though, albeit pretty expensive. Certainly tasty enough to lure me back for their omakase though!

  • Viktor Erik Jensen

    Viktor Erik Jensen


    We had the kaiseki and the flavour composition was excellent. The presentation is beautiful and the staff is very keen on providing a nice experience. They have Kirin in tap and it would be nice if they could also provide Asahi, Suntory and Sapporo. Now we are hoping that they can get started with omakase.

  • en

    Pétur Hjartarson


    Nice sushi restaurant! More on the upscale side then your average sushi place. Friendly and engaged hosts. Took quit a while to get the food (60 minutes from arrival until we got main course). But well executed dishes.

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