Rum för Barn i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeRum för Barn



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7, SERGELS TORG, 111 57, Stockholm, SE Suecia
kontakter telefon: +46 8 506 202 73
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.332253, Longitude: 18.065374

kommentar 5

  • en

    Yara R.


    This is an amazing place, very clean and tidy and well organised. The separate area for babies (which we've been using) offers many books and a good amount of toys. The other areas also look very nice and the kids seem to have a lot of fun. For older children there's a cool indoor playground type thing made of wood, which I wish I could play on - it looks awesome! Some international books are also available. There are toilets and eating facilities, so it's an all-around good place to go to with children!

  • en

    Marie D.


    A fantastic place and a great staff for the children and their adults!

  • Verónica Gómez Jaramillo

    Verónica Gómez Jaramillo


    Mucho tiempo de espera, fui un sábado por la tarde y no cabía la gente afuera de la biblio esperando con los niños a que dijeran su número. No hay tiempo, así el que está adentro se puede quedar el tiempo que desee. Y el que esta afuera....Yo se que es gratis, pero pueden prever esa situación, alentando a los padres a no pasar tanto rato dentro, o realizar turnos, ya sea por hora, minutos o lo que sea.

  • Gustav Sörberg

    Gustav Sörberg


    Trevligt ställe att hänga på för barn i alla åldrar. Blir dock ofta fullt så ha gärna en plan B i beredskap om ni inte blir insläppta.

  • A Mum Reviews

    A Mum Reviews


    Great centrally located children's library with loads of books and plenty of room for play. There's even a slide and a treehouse! The view over Stockholm is lovely and there are museums and cafes in the same building too. Remember to pack a bike lock for your pram as you have to leave it in the pram "garage" at the bottom floor. The library is located on the top floor. There's a baby area of the library where babies can toddle and crawl around safely too.

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