Riksantikvarieämbetet Gamla Uppsala museum i Uppsala

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SverigeRiksantikvarieämbetet Gamla Uppsala museum



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Disavägen, 754 40, Uppsala, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 18 23 93 01
internet side: www.raa.se
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 59.897789, Longitude: 17.633771

kommentar 5

  • Peter Fuller

    Peter Fuller


    Fascinating site and an excellent museum which thoroughly explains the history of the Viking age, though a lot to read.

  • Miguel Novoa

    Miguel Novoa


    You must go if you visit Uppsala. Nice place.

  • Bos Kabouter

    Bos Kabouter


    Nice ,average museum.The church here was open which was great.Most of the other churches we wanted to visit was closed.

  • Jonathan Entwisle

    Jonathan Entwisle


    The Gamla Uppsala burial mounds are the final resting place of three, prechristian, Swedish magnates. There identities are unknown and all that remains are their burial mounds. The mounds are very impressive and are very dramatic in the landscape. Also nearby is the remains of the old Uppsala cathedral and a museum describing the history of the mounds. I highly recommend, particularly in the summer.

  • Carmen Vega

    Carmen Vega


    They organise several events for children and adults. Excellent place for the Valborg celebrations.

nærmeste Museum

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