Restaurang Möllan i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeRestaurang Möllan



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37C, Bergsgatan, 214 35, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 12 10 15
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.592733, Longitude: 13.007135

kommentar 5

  • en

    Thomas Breslin


    Best rustic Swedish food (husmanskost) in town. Unbeatable prices and fabulous atmosphere.

  • Pierre M

    Pierre M


    Probably the longest running restaurant in the area. This is a Möllan classic with both regulars and new guests. The food is solid but don't expect anything modern or deconstructed. Go for the staples like entrecote or pannbiff. Food comes with salad bar and bread.

  • Niklas Pivic

    Niklas Pivic


    Nice staff, good vegan food (chili with oomph) and a lot of different beers. No reservations, and unlike what their web site states, they do absolutely accept credit cards. Relaxed place. Laid back.

  • Ryan Eriksson

    Ryan Eriksson


    Environment: This place has seen it's former glory being casual, chic and old school to being tired, smelly and just simply old. Food and Drinks: Food has always been variable in the quality the past few times and they really need to step it up because everything is simply terrible. FACT: One of the chefs carry around his cooking tool in his pocket while smoking a cigarette outside and leaning on a dirty wall. ANYWAY, They still know their wine and beer but they are losing the touch of improvement. Service: The owners continue to assist the employees, having the touch of personal service but they need to start going to a service school so they start smiling. There seem to be a continued disengagement with their service. LATEST REVIEW: 201708

  • Terry Maher

    Terry Maher


    This restaurant is a landmark in Malmö. It's been there for many years and now has an upgraded selection of beers on tap. I have not tried the food for some time but it used to be pretty good. The atmosphere is cozy and nice as the evenings are set to candle light. You won't get outstanding service but you might get a bit of intimacy.

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