Räddningstjänsten Lambohov i Linköping

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeRäddningstjänsten Lambohov


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🕗 åbningstider

2, Johannes Magnus väg, 583 30, Linköping, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 10 480 40 00
internet side: www.rtog.se
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 58.3904912, Longitude: 15.5824753

kommentar 3

  • en

    Henrik Berglund


    This is the last defence against the fire demons. This is where the fire heroes gather before the fight against the evil fires. They go where no normal man would go, right to the mouth of the fire. But thats not enough, when there is no fire they go help other peasants that may have stuck there wagon on the highway or flipped there carriage of the road. This is the house of heroes.

  • Uwe H.

    Uwe H.


    gratulera till den nya !! under 2006 såg jag den gamla brandstationen - tyvärr har jag ännu inte sett den nya brandkåren congratulate to the new one !! saw the old fire station in 2006 - look at the pictures - unfortunately I have not seen the new one yet

  • sv

    jorgen engstrom


    Duktiga livräddare..

nærmeste Brandstation

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