Purple Massage i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigePurple Massage



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27, Kammakargatan, 111 60, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 76 422 06 01
internet side: purplemassage.se
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Latitude: 59.337359, Longitude: 18.0555384

kommentar 5

  • Anna Linnéa Schenell

    Anna Linnéa Schenell


    Väldigt bra massage!!

  • Aurélie Leucht

    Aurélie Leucht


    Excellent massage, quiet place, not overcrowded as are some other places in the area...

  • Bettina B

    Bettina B


    I had an amazing massage. Titi knows what she is doing and she is such a friendly and nive person. It is a cute little place. I highly recommend going there. The only thing you should be aware of that there might be a massage taking place in the 'room' next to you only divided by a curtain. However, you don't see anything or are seen.

  • en

    Amanda Jones


    Fantastic Thai massage. If you want hard, you get hard. Its intense and Titi found every spot that needed extra attention = ouch! Feeling amazing and would definitely reccomend.

  • Helena Widegren

    Helena Widegren


    Best place in Stockholm. Clean, friendly and such great massage therapists! The owner Titi is professional and well educated, and if you have sport injuries like me she really knows how to help you. I suggest purple massage which is a mix of classic Thai and oil massage. Perfect for tired athletes!!

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