Metro i Malmö

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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14, Ängelholmsgatan, 214 22, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 23 00 63
internet side:
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Latitude: 55.591957, Longitude: 13.008889

kommentar 5

  • yazdan naderi

    yazdan naderi


    Very clean bathrooms and a great selection of beer and wine.

  • Mattias Hedberg

    Mattias Hedberg


    Nice local, perfect for a night out with a few friends or a date. Not a lot of vegetarian options for food, but the option they got is good.

  • Mattias Fjellström

    Mattias Fjellström


    Cosy place with a great beer selection.

  • Aron Cederholm

    Aron Cederholm


    Friendly and attentive staff will serve you delicious meals that will melt your taste buds (in a good way) in a rustic and genuine atmosphere.

  • Ryan Eriksson

    Ryan Eriksson


    Environment: Have you been to a place where you just feel that you ended up in a friend's stylish and welcoming living room? You just ended up right there where you meet a mixed of ages with an aura of artsy souls. Warning you of a great spot for people watching! Food & Drinks: Menu changes with the season and they use organic ingredients. Fab flavours in their cooking where the chef have spent a good amount of time to think of how well the food suits the guests. Beer catalogue is great. So as their choice of wines. Absinthe puts the little extra on the board! Service: This is one of the Bistros in Malmö I strongly recommend as I always keep company my back to chill with a friend, meet new people or a romantic and fun time with my partner.

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