Kiruna Pastorat i Kiruna

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SverigeKiruna Pastorat



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1, Finngatan, 981 31, Kiruna, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 980 678 00
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Latitude: 67.8520149, Longitude: 20.2329802

kommentar 5

  • Poppy R

    Poppy R


    Beautiful. Really amazing. Also if you get there early enough you can see them unlock the doors with the gigantic key

  • Jan Balaz

    Jan Balaz


    Very impressive Scandinavian wooden church.

  • en

    Maria N


    Very big wooden church, definitely interesting architecture. Worth seeing at least from the outside.

  • Filip Eriksson

    Filip Eriksson


    Kiruna chuch is a very beautiful wooden building, constructed in 1912. Designed by Gustaf Wickman. The design was influenced by the Lappkåta. The chuch is one of the oldest wooden building still standing in Sweden. The chuch is standing on a hill which enables it to bee seen from most positions around Kirna. The Exterior is mostly made out mountain birch, but also of rowan. This is called the church forest and is surrounded by a low wall of crust. Within the wall, east of the church, is the crematorium with its associated memory slots. The church is painted in fallow meat and dressed by church fools. On the church's northern, western and southern roofs there are twelve gold-plated two-meter high and 250 kilograms of heavy bronze-cast sculptures, made by Christian Eriksson. They represent people in different states of mind and bear names thereafter. On the other hand, on the north side, despair, obedience, supremacy, piety and despair, on the side of the West Indies Enlightenment and Reflection, and on the southern ceilings of Humility, Love, Sorrow, Difficulty and Disobedience. In the Interior, the three-storey long house is covered by open, imaginatively designed deck chairs in both main and lateral ships. Especially the choir has a rich setting of boasting and carved maleries, inspired by Sami ornamentation. The altar plan from 1912 is very big and is a work by Prince Eugen. The chairman, the pulpit and the open bench interior are designed by Wickman himself.

  • Pablo Fernández

    Pablo Fernández


    One of the most beautiful churches I have seen in Sweden. It has huge dimensions and we saw surrounded of snow. Simply awesome!

nærmeste Kirke

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