Karolinisches Institut i Solna

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Solnavägen 1, 171 77 Solna, Schweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 524 800 00
internet side: ki.se
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Latitude: 59.3481484, Longitude: 18.0236579

kommentar 5

  • sv

    Manhhanguyen Nguyen



  • Andreas Elofsson

    Andreas Elofsson


    Empatisk läkare Jan hjälpte mig på ett överlägset sätt, jämfört med vad för behandlingar jag fått tidigare för mitt problem/oro. När jag skickades vidare till annan avdelning för ytterligare provtagning gick allt snabbt, smidigt och med hjälp av duktiga syrror. 5 av 5!!

  • Akm Rashedul Hasan

    Akm Rashedul Hasan


    Quality education in medical and life sciences !tt

  • Praveen Manupati

    Praveen Manupati


    The facilities and the infrastructure they provide for students is the best and its highly ranked in Europe. Even the class rooms and labs are world class. I would love to visit again just to have glimpse of the university.

  • Madis Lemsalu

    Madis Lemsalu


    After having a phone call with the student counsellor of my prospective department, I must confide that I am genuinely baffled and still heavily shell-shocked from the experience. It started out fine, besides the fact she did not remember me despite our email correspondence and that I called exactly when appointed. I spoke Swedish to express respect, even though I haven't spoken it for over 6 months and was quite rusty. (The program in question is deducted in Swedish with the majority of textbooks in English) She quickly understood that I have trouble understanding and the conversation impeded. Instead of being understandable or offering a switch to English, she remained silent. Only answering to my questions in couple of words and almost always deflecting my questions with reference to confidentiality. Questions like the median age of students in the program, common reasons to quit and the amount of foreigners remain as a mystery to me, since these pieces of information cannot be confided to prospective students. I have carefully scrutinised antagning statistics for the same questions and found them to be very vague. I hoped for a better overall understanding of the program from the counsellor. Instead I received resentment through paracommunication and a feeling that you are not welcome here. My apologies for not possessing the verbal prowess to rock your socks off, but I have passed my Swedish language examinations with flying colours and can understand and write Swedish according to the test results which KI has accepted without flinching. As a foreign student, the study counsellor is the safety net when things go wrong and after this experience I am not surprised why last year all 3 Finnish students quit the program( two of them before the first semester even ended). The most surprising was how well she made me feel ashamed of my Swedish and giving me the feeling of how dare I to even apply here. All of this without saying it out loud. I guess practice makes perfect. I truly hope other departments have positive, supporting and compassionate study counsellors and I am extremely grateful for the phone call, because I can now imagine what kind of treatment I would receive during the program.

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