John Scotts i Stockholm

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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SverigeJohn Scotts



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37, Kungsgatan, 111 56, Stockholm, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 8 546 110 00
internet side:
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Latitude: 59.3355739, Longitude: 18.0646678

kommentar 5

  • en

    Mats Törnros


    Great mix between casual environment and great food. Also have a bowling alley.

  • Simon Lindahl

    Simon Lindahl


    Nice, a bit hidden lunch place. Play some pool if you like.. 😎

  • Michelle Sjöö

    Michelle Sjöö


    When I ordered their standard burger, I asked to get a substitution of an ingredient I saw was available on another burger. The waiter just responded with a flat "no", and no explanation as to why. When I received the burger, it was burnt to a crisp on the edges, which had been flattened really thin. The middle part was dry. The fries were good, and the chili aioli was tasty! The music was very loud, and not fitting for the pub atmosphere. It reminded me more of a nineties dance party for middle schoolers.

  • Alexandru Chiritescu

    Alexandru Chiritescu


    Great food and service. One of the favourite places for lunch. Tasty salad buffet, with the option of bottled water.

  • Pasi



    Good place for bar food and drinks. Bowling lanes on 2 floors are excellent but if you like a long runup when bowling you wont find that here instead its quite short. But as said, all in all a good place.

nærmeste Bowlingbaner

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