Jensen's Bøfhus i Malmö

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1, Södra Förstadsgatan, 211 43, Malmö, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 40 23 88 99
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Latitude: 55.6008325, Longitude: 13.0007895

kommentar 5

  • en

    Monique Swanepoel


    Nice steakhouse in Malmö with indoor and outdoor seating. Quite popular and busy when we went there on a Friday night. I had the 400g ribs and it was great, my husband had the steak with pepper sauce. The sauce left much to be desired and spoiled the taste a bit, rather go without. Service was fine and the prices quite standard for a Scandinavian sit-down restaurant. Tea/coffee is bottomless at 25 Sek, great bargain. All in all, a nice spot for lunch or dinner. Check the menu online, there's an English version too.

  • Antonio Ezio Frascarelli

    Antonio Ezio Frascarelli


    Great menù options. Tasty steaks and side dishes. Desserts are a must. Highly recommended.

  • Dim Z

    Dim Z


    Average experience, ok for Malmö. Service was good, the food a bit heavy.

  • Alexander Cook

    Alexander Cook


    Great food, at a fantastic price. Highly recommend their lunch menu!

  • Martin Giles

    Martin Giles


    Its what you expect from a chain of restaurants. The food it the same in each one. A posh McDolads or Burger King. It is OK if you want a piece of weighed processed beef. The sauce isn't homemade its factory made. You can buy it in a Super Market.

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