Hotell Liseberg Heden i Göteborg

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1, Sten Sturegatan, 411 39, Göteborg, SE Sweden
kontakter telefon: +46 31 750 69 00
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Latitude: 57.7016597, Longitude: 11.9813432

kommentar 5

  • en

    Madeleine Boström


    Not what you expect from a four star hotel. The rooms were old and without any ventilation, we stayed here during the beginning of the summer and the rooms became extremely hot. There was a small table fan, which didn’t help to much and it squeaked a lot. The gym was not open before nine and it was closed when we asked in the evening. I wouldn’t recommend it

  • Fam. van den Beukel

    Fam. van den Beukel


    We all liked it a lot, nice people, nice room, nice breakfast! We will come back again. Back now for a second visit... still a very good hotel!

  • en

    Charlotte Hagen


    Very nice. Would recommend to friends. Would have given 6 stars if restaurant had more to choose from.

  • en

    Stephanie Johansson


    Cosy, quaint, great breakfast, good location in a more quiet yet central location of town. Would definitely go back!!!

  • Sreekanth Sunku

    Sreekanth Sunku


    Right in the city center. Many attractions are in walkable distance. Good hotel for business visits with good breakfast options.

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